Self Harm.

Self harm is something people do to find an instant release from the pain built up inside of them. Self harm is very dangerous. People may self harm from image issues,being bullied,or any other type of thing that brings them emotional pain. Self harm is a very serious issue,and people shouldn’t feel the need to do. People push others to the point where they harm themselves,and it is so wrong. It makes me so upset to think of all the people that suffer from it. No one should feel so bad about themselves that they want to hurt their own bodies. We should all love the way we are,we shouldn’t have to harm ourselves,we shouldn’t have to feel not beautiful. We are beautiful,and to everyone who self harms,it gets better. You have probably been told a million times that it gets better,and that’s because it does. Ok so maybe it won’t be better in a day,a week,a month,a year,but one day it will be better. You will look back and realize how strong you were to overcome something so horrible.Please just love yourself.


Stay Strong.<3

I believe that you can overcome it.

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